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  Title Copies
A Brief History of Magna Carta, 2nd Edition: The Origins of Liberty from Runnymede to Washington (Brief Histories) 
Edition: 2nd Revised ed. 
Year: 2016 
ISBN: 1472118677 
ISBN 13: 9781472118677 
A Soldier First 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 2009 
ISBN: 1554684919 
ISBN 13: 9781554684915 
Achtung - Panzer! (Cassell Military Classics) 
Edition: Illustrated 
Year: 1999 
ISBN: 0304352853 
ISBN 13: 9780304352852 
Animal Farm 
Year: 2021 
ISBN: 0141036133 
ISBN 13: 9780141036137 
Ashes of the Sun (Burningblade & Silvereye, 1) 
Year: 2020 
ISBN: 0316519545 
ISBN 13: 9780316519540 
Back Mechanic by Dr. Stuart McGill (2015-09-30) 
Edition: 1st 
Year: 2015 
ISBN: 0973501820 
ISBN 13: 9780973501827 
Becoming a Supple Leopard (The Ultimate Guide to Resolving Pain, Preventing Injury, and Optimizing Athletic Performance) 
Edition: 2 
Year: 2015 
ISBN: 1628600837 
ISBN 13: 9781628600834 
Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army [Revised and Updated] 
Edition: Revised, Updated ed. 
Year: 2008 
ISBN: 156858394X 
ISBN 13: 9781568583945 
Boys of '67: From Vietnam to Iraq, the Extraordinary Story of a Few Good Men 
Year: 2007 
ISBN: 0811733947 
ISBN 13: 9780811733946 
By, with, Through a Sof Global Engagement Strategy 
Edition: First Edition 
Year: 2021 
ISBN: 1100251715 
ISBN 13: 9781100251714